Game Name: Rockman & Forte (Japan)
md5sum: de65bd947495d05f6da8dd309a12355e by: Horn Added: 2006-05-26 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 10/23/2005 17:31:05 Uploaded by: (Anthony1) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Rockman & Forte (Japan) Song Title: Museum Intro Level (7) Sequenced by: Anthony1 Song Originally Composed by: Capcom Sound Team Other Information: -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 10 Delta Time Setting: 192 -Text Analysis- By Anthony1 Generated by NoteWorthy Composer -Copyright Event Analysis- Sequenced by: Anthony1 Please do not distribute out of -Midi TrackName Analysis- RockmanandForteMuseumStage AGP0 EB(F) AGP1 AGP2 P3(PS)0 P3(PS)1 SB10 SB11 Tempo Track