Wasp Hive - "Flight of the Zinger" (5)

Game Name: Donkey Kong Country 2

md5sum: dfa3236c5234cd332d0ffb003023976d



Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2009-04-16

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/DKC2_Wasp_Hive-KM.mid
Upload Date and Time: 02/01/2009 22:47:34

Uploaded by:  (King Meteor)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Donkey Kong Country 2
Song Title: Wasp Hive - "Flight of the Zinger" (5)
Sequenced by: King Meteor
Other Information: I was a bit dissatisfied with the other MIDIs of this song that I've heard, so I decided to make my own.
I think it's the truest MIDI to the original on the web.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 20
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Synth Strings 1 (Bass)
Muted Guitar
Muted Guitar (echo)
Muted Guitar (echo)
Melodic Tom
Timpani (High)
Timpani (High) (echo)
Timpani (High) (echo)
Timpani (Low)
Timpani (Low) (echo)
Timpani (Low) (echo)
Warm Pad/Distortion Guitar
Warm Pad/Distortion Guitar (echo)
Synth Bass 2
Bright Acoustic Piano
Bright Acoustic Piano (echo)
Synth Strings 1
Synth Strings 1 (echo)
"Wasp Hive - 'Flight of the Zinger'" from Donkey Kong Country 2, sequenced by King Meteor