Mission Fail

Game Name: Mario's Time Machine

md5sum: e3e8d663ded9b6e9967f7109b599b4d2



Added by: Suds  Added: 2004-12-19

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/MTMMissionFailByCryogen.mid
Upload Date and Time: 11/12/2003 19:37:18

Uploaded by:  (Cryogen Glacien)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Mario's Time Machine
Song Title: Mission Fail
Sequenced by: Cryogen Glacien
Other Information: 
This is a really short song...so short I almost
didn't bother sequencing it. As it is, I didn't
even put the usual info at the bottom of the MIDI
file trackname list. Something about this song
made me want to do it though...why do I like all
the minor-key stuff so much? o_o;

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 11
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Melody (Pizz. Strings)
1/8 Echo (Synth Voice)
Track 1
1/4 Echo (Synth Voice)
Track 2
Track 1
Main Bass (Picked Bass)
Deep Bass (Fretless Bass)
Track 4
Chords 1 (String Ens. 1)
Chords 2 (String Ens. 1)
Track 6
Chords 3 (String Ens. 1)
Track 7
Track 6
Melody Backup (Rhodes Piano)
Percussion Hit (Orch. Drumset)
Track 9