Game Name: Shatterhand
md5sum: e428950d7bdcde25916faf985aa31faf by: Dave Harris Added: 2007-02-06 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 10/07/2006 18:20:17 Uploaded by: (Steven C. King) Game System: Nintendo Game Name: Shatterhand Song Title: Stage Select (2) Sequenced by: Steven C. King Other Information: This is the stage selection music from Shatterhand. Hope you like it! -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 15 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Text Analysis- Jago -Copyright Event Analysis- Copyright 2006 by Jago -Midi TrackName Analysis- untitled Bass Melody Harmony Chords Echo 1 Echo 2 Kick Snare / Tom Hi-Hat Cymbals Shatterhand - Stage Select arranged by Steven C. - Jago October 8, 2006