Game Name: Final Fantasy V (Japan)
md5sum: e9b070627bc9a3730bec3ed28c995adc by: ForteBlast Added: 2003-01-19 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 11/11/2002 15:24:35 Uploaded by: (Fnuzzel) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Final Fantasy V (Japan) Song Title: Main Theme (3) Sequenced by: Fnuzzel Song Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Other Information: Basically the very same file as the previous version, but this time with an oboe instead of that irritating cello... sounds better I think -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 13 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Oboe Trumpet Drums Bass Harp Synth Strings Right Violin Right Synth Strings Center Violin Center Violin Left Synth Strings Left Strings 1