Game Name: LocoRoco
md5sum: eb285c973033e48519030bd035e31442 comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Daniel Lawrence Added: 2008-01-24 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 06/10/2006 06:25:15 Uploaded by: (Koen van den Wijngaart) Game System: Sony PSP Game Name: LocoRoco Song Title: Menu Sequenced by: Master Link Other Information: Not 100% accurate (drums and clarinet are somewhat off). If you correct this, please e-mail me first. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 9 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Copyright Event Analysis- Copyright 2006 by Koen van den Wijngaart -Midi TrackName Analysis- LocoRoco title theme Drums LocoRoco melody Tuba Banjo LocoRoco choir Ocarina Clarinet