Game Name: Tales of Destiny II
md5sum: ebc8763704c3ea43f628997d296fa71a by: Daniel Lawrence Added: 2009-04-19 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 01/16/2009 10:03:57 Uploaded by: (Paul Soh AKA UDeepEX) Proxied for: Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Tales of Destiny II Song Title: Inferia Port Sequenced by: Paul Soh AKA UDeepEX Other Information: Made in Singapore, 11 pm GMT + 8. Duration of sequencing: 2 hours. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 18 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Text Analysis- Made on 16th January 2009 3PM GMT+0 (11pm GMT+8, my time) Instrumention as follows: -Midi TrackName Analysis- Tales Of Destiny II: Tales of Eternia - Inferia Port Piccolo 1 Pizzicato Strings Piccolo 2 Timpani Taiko Drum Strings 1 Piccolo 3 Harp Bass Strings French Horn Hi hats Snare Drum Left Cymbals Right Cymbals Ride Strike Cymbal Bass Drum Snare Drum 2