A Brave Warrior

Game Name: Battle of Olympus

md5sum: efde54a0fda7b1b82d3903871d3f1799



Added by: Pongball  Added: 2004-02-24

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/2_-_A_brave_Warrior.mid

Uploaded by:  (George J. Vallant)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Piano Only - Nintendo
Game Name: Battle of Olympus
Song Title: A Brave Warrior
Sequenced by: George J
Other Information: 

Part of the "olympus no tatakai" Piano Collection

For more info visit http://www.getstuff.de

Midi TrackName Analysis:


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2 - "A brave warrior"
Right Hand
Left Hand
Part of the 
"Battle of Olympus" Piano Collection
Composed & Arranged
by George Vallant