Game Name: Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenyaku Romantan: Juuyuushi Inbou Hen (Japan)
md5sum: f00209459aeda6e08b55ba7ed23ddf1c by: Horn Added: 2006-05-26 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 11/25/2005 17:45:39 Uploaded by: (Luiz) Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenyaku Romantan: Juuyuushi Inbou Hen (Japan) Song Title: Dreams Sequenced by: SelfDestructBoy Other Information: -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 23 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Text Analysis- Oh yea... 'I began making this MIDI two months ago, and ever since, I've done this and that every now and then on it, and yes! Today I fina I know, i haven't made any MIDI file like this for almost half a year!! What a retard, and I thought I was "coming back" with th JAnyway, in case you don't know Siam Shade, they're a five-piece band from the land of the rising sun, and they've just gone majo 7"Dreams"!! I think it's the best song among those I've heard from them so far, and even now after listening to it for countless "Well, seriously, this band is pretty pop, as you may have noticed, they have a nice guitars/bass/drums band sound, and , well, r ASo, I don't know if I'd really buy their album, or if they have an ambition that goes further than trying to write nice catchy t Most of the chords are fifths, so that's quite easy to do: Intro/chorus: E5, A5, C#5, B5, A5, B5 Verse: E5, A5, E5, G#5, A5, C5; E5, A5, B5, A5, B5 Bridge: A5, C#5, A5, G#5, F#5, B5 (There are some variations here involving seconds and thirds) Solo: E5, A5, B5, A5 *But, wow, the solo stuff, particularly the guitar solo itself, is so amazing, I probably couldn't tab it out, I just tried to do And the lyrics - Well, most of them are Japanese, so I can't really transcribe them here, or maybe I could, but only phoneticall Well, anyway, I hope you like this one and I hope I'll be doing more MIDI in the future... CPlease visit my site at for all other MIDIs I've done, and several other sub-site Arigato gozaimasu for listening!! -Copyright Event Analysis- Sequencing 1998 by SelfDestructBoy -Midi TrackName Analysis- DREAMS A song by SIAM SHADE (their second major label single) Kazuma?? Daita?? It's guitar! Junji's (Manilpulated/reedited??) drums Natin vs. a pretty easy bass line Daita?? Kazuma??? It's guitar too, and a stunning solo! More guitar stuff played by one of the two... Some guitar realism, muted notes... A strange synth that's only featured in the intro?? Another synth during chorus (quite nice actually, exceptionally). ... and Hideki on Vocals (featuring Kazuma as back-up)! -------------------------- DREAMS by SIAM SHADE -------------------------- Sequenced by SelfDestructBoy For tons of more info, view this MIDI in a regular editor like Notepad!! Please e-mail see my site too: -Marker Analysis- Intro... Verse part (part 1 of 1)... Bridge part... Chorus! Guitar solo! Bridge part again (doubled)... Chorus! Post chorus ("Smile again, so you can fly again...") Pre-ending... End!