Game Name: Valkyrie Profile
md5sum: f3f5087b1b38f4f5cd1e93fedb769818 by: The Jade Emperor Added: 2000-10-05 File URL is Uploaded by: (Chief Ug) File Type: MIDI Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Valkyrie Profile Song Title: Eternal Hydrogen Anxieties Sequenced by: Chief Ug Originally Composed by: Motoi Sakuraba Other Information: What do you mean you don't have Valkyrie Profile? Buy it NOW you cheapo. Midi TrackName Analysis: 0Another Sakuraba tune, another true pain in the ass to sequence. The original uses some really weird samples that can't be appro "Frozen" Eternal Hydrogen from Valkyrie Profile Originally by: Motoi Sakuraba Sequenced by: Chief Ug