The Wind is Blowing

Game Name: Virtual On: Cyber Troopers

md5sum: f486c8a42e77cf244067e813186e1845


Added by: Mark Jansen  Added: 2001-08-16

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (SomeGuy)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Arcade
Game Name: Virtual On: Cyber Troopers
Song Title: The Wind is Blowing
Other Information: 

Midi TrackName Analysis:

* MACRO*            
*  ***********    
* TVA *********    
*  ****    
* GS ************    
*EQ  LOW FREQ   (0-1)    
*EQ  LOW GAIN (52-76)    
*EQ HIGH FREQ   (0-1)    
*EQ HIGH GAIN (52-76)