Game Name: Gunstar Heroes
md5sum: f65be265e978aea9933dce60e1270c80 comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Dave Harris Added: 2007-09-09 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 09/03/2005 04:50:06 Uploaded by: (MaliceX) Game System: Sega Genesis Game Name: Gunstar Heroes Song Title: Gunstar G-9 Under Attack Sequenced by: MaliceX Song Originally Composed by: Treasure, Inc. Other Information: Part of the Gunstar Heroes MIDI sequence project. This is per by request of Justus Johnston. :P -MaliceX -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 17 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Gunstar Heroes - BGM 89 "Rescue Yellow" / "G-9 Under Attack" Sequenced by: MaliceX (aka dj.tuBIG) (C) 2005 MaliceX/TCMiDiS Game is (C) Treasure, Analysis- loopStart loopEnd