Laxey Coast

Game Name: Manx TT - Superbike: Twin

md5sum: f72ff9748be614b31cb314f64eb65080


Added by: Suds  Added: 2005-02-11

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 08/16/2004 03:12:32

Uploaded by:  (Zero Beats)

Game System: Arcade
Game Name: Manx TT - Superbike: Twin
Song Title: Laxey Coast
Sequenced by: Zero Beats
Song Originally Composed by: Tatsuyuki Maeda & Teruhiko Nakagawa
Other Information: Rewritten arcade Manx TT midi hot n'served to your speakers!
"Gaining Wind" aka TT Course theme is used in the first level in the arcade, Laxey Coast.
Meanwhile, "Under the windy sky" originaly plays in Laxey Coast on Saturn. ;)

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 17
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Text Analysis-
Easy Mode: Laxey Coast

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Sega  1995, Sequenced 2004 by Zero Beats

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Manx TT Superbike: TWIN (Arcade)
easy mode
laxey coast
easy mode
laxey coast
easy mode
laxey coast
easy mode
laxey coast
sequenced by Zero  Analysis-
Sega  1995