Southeast Asia Area Theme

Game Name: Aerobiz Supersonic

md5sum: f74a0dbbeb611d4529fd2f917716f971


Added by: Mark Jansen  Added: 2001-08-16

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (Bradley Maxwell)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Aerobiz Supersonic
Song Title: Southeast Asia Area Theme
Sequenced by: Bradley Maxwell  Information: Hi my first upload cool eh?
(yes canadian)
I'm new on the scene But my work is quality (I'll never send in anything seriously out of key.)
The downside to my work: I use a yamaha card (S-YG20) and a lot of my work is XG which sounds super bad on regular cards but if I'm in the mood I'll make a "regular card" version of the midi.
In further uploads I'll signify if it's XG or Regular with "XG" or "REG".Ok now to this song.
This game was made for Both Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis (with the same music.) so you may want to put a link in both sections. This song is looped (like most video game music files are...) I think that's all.
See Ya.

Midi TrackName Analysis:

WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo
WinJammer Demo