Game Name: Snoopy and the Red Baron
md5sum: f84aee77958d5524e103f2c085e3fe14 comments powered by DisqusAdded by: Dave Harris Added: 2008-11-11 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 11/02/2008 01:04:55 Uploaded by: (Joo Buaes) Game System: Atari 2600 Game Name: Snoopy and the Red Baron Song Title: Level Clear Sequenced by: Joo *Johnnyz* Buaes Other Information: -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 6 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Copyright Event Analysis- Atari 2600 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Snoopy and the Red Baron - Level Clear Original composer: ? Sequenced by: Joo *Johnnyz*