Overworld 2 (Rock Remix)

Game Name: Super Mario World

md5sum: fa6c8ecbf83c4ee623e6a55f4baf6e71



Added by: The_Sorcerer  Added: 2004-09-25

File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/zb_smw_rockworld2_2.mid
Upload Date and Time: 01/20/2004 11:14:21

Uploaded by:  (Zero Beats)

Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Super Mario World
Song Title: Overworld 2 (Rock Remix)
Sequenced by: Zero Beats
Song Originally Composed by: Koji Kondo
Other Information: After making World 1's rock remix, I decided "why not make overworld 2 in a remix".
I sequenced this 14 days after overworld 1. (6/27/03)

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 9
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Text Analysis-
Zero Beats
This is a fixed version.  The first version of this theme was horrible.
Too much instruments anf guitarras.  Piano sounds decent atleast, right?
What do you think?  E-mail  for comments,
questions, suggestions. =)

-Copyright Event Analysis-
Copyright  2003 by Zero Beats

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
SMW- Overworld 2 (Rock Remix)