Game Name: Joe and Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics
md5sum: fa76ce47fce62d6cdf6c06662eec2c6b by: Daniel Lawrence Added: 2004-02-04 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 04/03/2003 23:39:11 Uploaded by: (Cryogen Glacien) Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Joe and Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics Song Title: Murky Swampland Sequenced by: Cryogen Glacien Other Information: That spread of notes at 0:40 (and again at 1:30) is supposed to be a pitch bend, but *censored ^_^* Anvil Studio won't let me use them for some odd, otherworldly reason of its own making. So I just slung a whole bunch of notes in the bend's range together and hoped for the best. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 13 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Track 0 Fast Toms (Woodblock) Low Toms (Melodic Tom) Fast Toms Echo 1 (Woodblock) Fast Toms Echo 2 (Woodblock) Breath (Seashore) Melody (Pizzicato Strings) Bass (Rhodes Piano) Track 6 Percussion (GM Drums) Murky Swampland Joe and Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics Sequenced to MIDI By Cryogen Glacien on 4/3/03 Email me at: