Game Name: Super Robot Wars 4 (Japan)
md5sum: fa984628b932c2f8ec0c40f354e0132c by: Mark Jansen Added: 2000-11-25 File URL is Uploaded by: (ChibiKan) File Type: MIDI Game System: Super Nintendo Game Name: Super Robot Wars 4 (Japan) Song Title: Mazinger Z Theme Sequenced by: ChibiKan Information: Go watch some MazingerZ Anime Episodes and play the Super Robot Wars for Super Famicom. Cuz' it's great. Midi TrackName Analysis: Mazinger's Theme Go Watch The Anime Mazinger is one awesome robot MIDI Played/Sequenced by ChibiKan (a.k.a. Kanzinger) Lead Melody Piano 1 Dist-Guitar Harmony-2 String 1 String 2 Bass Drum Snare Drum Super Robot Wars 4 - MazingerZ's Theme Cymbal Aphrodite A Effects Played on April 19, 2000