Alan and Cerl Forever (2)

Game Name: Breath of Fire

md5sum: fbaa516c19df3f981f772f83a28be06a


Added by: Pong64  Added: 2001-02-09

File URL is

Uploaded by:  (Jorge D. Fuentes)

File Type: MIDI
Game System: Super Nintendo
Game Name: Breath of Fire
Song Title: Alan and Cerl Forever (2)
Sequenced by: Jorge D. Fuentes  Information: 
I actually don't know the name of the file, so I gave it a name I thought of.
Also, I don't know who is the original composer.

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
8. M.Box, Piano 4, Flute
7. M.Box, Piano 3
6. M. Box, Piano 2
5.  M.Box, Piano 1
4.  Strings 2
3. Strings 1