Game Name: Arc the Lad III
md5sum: fecea4dca485ca3af7e65c982b032b1f by: Pongball Added: 2004-10-28 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 07/25/2004 13:01:41 Uploaded by: (Steven C. King) Game System: Sony Playstation Game Name: Arc the Lad III Song Title: Testa (v1.1) Sequenced by: Steven C. King Song Originally Composed by: Masahiro Ando Other Information: Here's the arrangement I made from Testa in Arc the Lad 3. After I submitted this the first time, I didn't realize that there were two notes that were wrong. Yes, I'm that picky. :-P Anyway, this has the correct two notes. This was made with the Korg X5DR synth module. I hope you like the arrangement. -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 17 Delta Time Setting: 960 -Text Analysis- Jago -Copyright Event Analysis- Copyright 2004 by Jago -Midi TrackName Analysis- Bass Guitar Oboe Flutes Accordion Agogo Accordion Clarinets Pecussion Arc the Lad 3 - Testa composed by Masahiro Ando arranged by Steven C. 7, 2004